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The ambassador of Poland Witold Prandota and his party come to visit our association
Time£º2010/6/14 Clicks£º3125

The commercial ambassador of Poland in China and the director of trade and investment department, Mr.Witold Prandota and Mr.Andrea, the professor of European research center in Human Resource University and their party visited our association in the afternoon of April 16, 2010(Friday). Our chairman Mr.Wang and secretary general Mr.Hu received them with great warmth.


After got the details of our association,Mr.Witold hoped that there would be more trade exchanges between our member companies and Poland trade and investment department and other related companies of Poland. He would try his best to service for the economic and trade links between Chinese and Poland companies.


During the meeting, our chairman Mr.Wang introduced the details of our association.


Mr.Witold presented us the books on trade of Poland and Mr.Wang presented our constitution and our journal Friendly.


The way to contact the trade and investment department of Poland¡¯s embassy in China:


The director:Mr.Witold Prandota

The address: Beijing JianGuoMen ritan road no.1

Telephone number :(010)65321888

Fax :(010)65324958

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